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See Fraud, scams & security
What to do if you've been scammed
Protecting yourself from scams
Gateway Banking Portals - Australia & New Zealand
Gateway Banking Portals - Australia & New Zealand
Gateway Banking Portals Scam or Fraud
What to do if you suspect a scam or fraud
If you're a victim of a scam or your bank details have been compromised, or if you're simply worried about fraud:
Please call us immediately on (+612) 9005 8220
If you do not have your phone then send us an email at
What happens once you have contacted Gateway regarding a suspected scam or fraud?
Your transaction dispute will be lodged and a dedicated Dispute Officer will be assigned to manage your case through to resolution in accordance with legal process. For more information, please contact a member of Gateway's staff who will e happy to help.
A dedicated investigator will be assigned to your case and you may be contacted by your Bank to provide further information to complete the investigation.
Types of scams and fraud
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scams and fraud are designed to trick you into giving away your money or disclosing your personal information.
Anyone can be targeted, so stay vigilant. Learn about different types of scams and fraud, and how to spot and avoid them to protect yourself and your loved ones.
How we protect you
With evolving fraud detection technology, biometrics monitoring in our banking apps and Internet Banking, plus a team of specialists to help you 24/7, we offer security you can bank on. To learn more about how we help protect you from cyber criminals contact our investigation team.
How to protect yourself
Cyber criminals never rest. Learn how to help protect yourself online with our tips and guides. From helpful tips on how to bank securely to recognising scams and how to help safeguard your personal information, we provide you with the information you need on how to stay safe online.